State of Art Education 2023: We Need Your Input!

Art teachers are valuable. Art teachers are resilient, flexible, and dedicated. Art teachers provide spaces for students to grow, create, compose, discover, experiment, and add color! Art teachers instill an appreciation for the visual arts, promote creative critical thinking, build awareness and empathy, and solve bigger issues through artmaking. To top it off, art teachers have a lot of spunk, ingenuity, and sparkle!

Your job as an art teacher is irreplaceable and so needed in the world today. Your students need you—and so does your art education community! You are the best person to share what the current trends, topics, and issues are in the art room today. Over the last five years, thousands of art teachers have shared their perspectives in the State of Art Education survey. Take a moment and make your voice heard!

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Complete the survey today!


Follow AOEU on all of your favorite social platforms so you don’t miss the survey results. In the meantime, browse the results from previous years:

Partner with us and provide your input so we can continue to make powerful strides through student artmaking!

Take the 2023 State of Art Education survey right now!

What art teacher friend will you share the survey with?

Magazine articles and podcasts are opinions of professional education contributors and do
not necessarily represent the position of the Art of Education University (AOEU) or its
academic offerings. Contributors use terms in the way they are most often talked about
in the scope of their educational experiences.

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